Register As A Dealer

The purpose of registering is to understand the profile of the interested party. It can be customer/Dealer, we want to avoid spam and any illegal requests. Our back office will connect with you on the details provided to understand the intent/ genuineness of the inquiries/request. Dealers will be registered after having dealer agreements & has to undergo basic induction training, before being appointed as a dealer. The dealer will have confidential access with a password. We believe in providing unparallel service to customer relationships with the company.

  • Register with your company details
  • Our team will get in touch with you for the onboarding process
  • Join us to serve better

Our team will revert to you via email/ call within one working day.

Register As A Customer

The purpose of registering is to understand the profile of the interested party. It can be customer/Dealer, we want to avoid spam and any illegal requests. Our back office will connect with you on the details provided to understand the intent/ genuineness of the inquiries/request. Customers will be registered after our team reviews your profile. Once registered as a customer, you can buy/Sell/Repair your equipment to upgrade your practice.

  • Register with your personal/ clinic details.
  • Our team will get in touch with you for the onboarding process.
  • Join us to get access to the best deals.

Our team will revert to you via email/call within one working day